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This Radiola III was used by my grandparents in the 20'ies. It stood for several years in their attic together with the original headphones and the two battery boxes.
At some time in the late 50'ies it disappeared except for the tubes.

DX Nostalgia

The practice of DXing arose during the early days of radio broadcasting. Listeners would mail "reception reports" to radio broadcasting stations in hopes of getting a written acknowledgement or a QSL card that served to officially verify they had heard a distant station. Collecting these cards became popular with radio listeners in the 1920s and 1930s, and reception reports were often used by early broadcasters to gauge the effectiveness of their transmissions. Although international shortwave broadcasts are on the decline, DXing remains popular among dedicated shortwave listeners. The pursuit of two-way contact between distant amateur radio operators is also a significant activity within the amateur radio hobby.

Radio stations and members belonging to various clubs come and go and so do their history. A lot of material are hidden out there and ought to be public. Here is an attempt to save and spread some of the material which has been written.

Click the link below to start downloading, or right click and choose "save target as .."

pdf.gif (134 bytes) SWB 40 års jubileum, Börge Eriksson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) SWB 50 års jubileum, Thomas Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Nils Olsson emigrerar till Brasilien, Helsingborgs Dagblad 1972
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Nostalgiträff i Stockholm 2013, Björn Fransson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Ett 50 år gammalt foto berättar (om Nordic Radio Club), av Börge Eriksson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Sydic Radio Club, bulletin nr 1 från 1963, via Carl-Eric Erlandsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Sydic Radio Club, bulletin nr 35 (sista), via Carl-Eric Erlandsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Hur det var att DX-a för sjuttio år sedan, Jan-Erik Räf
pdf.gif (134 bytes) MV-DXingens historia fram till 1950-talet, Jan Erik Räf
pdf.gif (134 bytes) MV-DXingens historia: andra världskrigets slut, Jan Erik Räf
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Ur mitt syndaregister, Jan-Erik Räf
pdf.gif (134 bytes) En liten uppstickare - Historien om IBRA Radio, Henrik Klemetz
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 50 Jahre IBRA Radio, Radio-Kurier - weltweit hören® 2005 /8, Henrik Klemetz
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Kortvågstabell från "Världen i högtalaren" mars 1949, sammanställd av Arne Skoog
pdf.gif (134 bytes) DX-Radios kortvågstabell 1956 2 - 5,5 mHz, Sveriges Radioklubb
pdf.gif (134 bytes) DX-Radios kortvågstabell 1957 5,5 - 9,2 mHz, Sveriges Radioklubb
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Scenska Radioarkivet
pdf.gif (134 bytes) MKVK - Malmö Kortvågsklubbs historia, MKVK:s arkiv, sammanställd av Jan Thörnblom
pdf.gif (134 bytes) MKVK - Minneskavalkad 1948 - 1958
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Malmö DX-aren nr 2 från 1949, MKVK:s arkiv
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Malmö DX-aren nr 6 från 1952, MKVK:s arkiv
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Malmö DX-aren nr 3 från 1962, MKVK:s arkiv
pdf.gif (134 bytes) DX-aren nr 1 från 1964, MKVK:s arkiv
pdf.gif (134 bytes) MKVK-Smockan nr 1 från 1982, MKVK:s arkiv
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Jul-DX-ing hos Jan-Erik Räf del 1 (Svenn Martinsen, Stellamaris.no)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Jul-DX-ing hos Jan-Erik Räf del 2 (Svenn Martinsen, Stellamaris.no)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Radiorelaterade samlarmärken, Staffan Rosenqvist, SM7IJH
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Radio Black Peter - Sveriges första radiopirat, Radiohistoriska Arkivet
pdf.gif (134 bytes) "Svarte Petter" - Radiopiraten i Lomsjö, av Karin Nordberg
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Att samla på radiostationer, av Björn Olsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Kortvågslyssning och tonårsliv i 50 och 60-talets Gnesta, av Peter Wärmling
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Ernst Krenkel – no ordinary radio amateur, by Sandeep Baruah, VU2MUE
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Radiostation Grimeton SAQ
pdf.gif (134 bytes) When the Königsbergradio came to the farm, by Svenn Martinsen, Stellamaris.no
pdf.gif (134 bytes) The How to Listen to the World page!  by Svenn Martinsen, Stellamaris.no
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Allied Radio Stations from 1942 by retired Lt. Martin Swenson (Svenn Martinsen, Stellamaris.no)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) ON THE SHORTWAVES
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Scandinavian QSL's 1, (On the shortwaves)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Scandinavian QSL's 2, (On the shortwaves)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Scandinavian QSL's 3, (On the shortwaves)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Scandinavian QSL's 4, (On the shortwaves)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Scandinavian QSL's 5, (On the shortwaves)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Scandinavian QSL's 6, (On the shortwaves)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) The BBC Engineering Measurement and Receiving Station in Tatsfield  (History)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) The BBC Engineering Measurement and Receiving Station at Tatsfield (Pictures)
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Some historical aspects of broadcasting technology, by R Gressmann, Director EBU Technical Centre 1974 - 1985