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Radio Avance Voz Evangélica, Espinar, 1520,005 kHz
Heard May 31, 2016 at 0200 UTC with ID. I was alerted by Hasse Mattisson in a mail where he have heard a station here but unfortunately left the the frequency one minute too early to get an ID. Fortunately I still had the Perseus recording from that night and thanks to Henrik Klemetz he found the ID. This station has been heard earlier this year by Fredrik Dourén, Torolf Johnsson and Lars Simm. Henrik was in contact with the owner which resulted in a greeting in one of their normal programs at 0055 UTC. Unfortunately the conds were not good enough and the mp3 file came by mail.
Here is the greeting in Quechua. It is Noé Fuentes Mollo, the owner, who greets in Quechua and Spanish thanking us for listening. Then two religious songs are played, one in Quechua and one in Spanish.
I completely agree with Hasse Mattisson when he says: "Amazing that you had the patience and ability to put forward our cause and to get such a wonderful memory recorded. For my part, I rate this as this year's event. With great admiration o thanks to Henrik Klemetz!  

  Radio Festival "La Radio de Colores en Chile" 1269,985 kHz
Heard May 8, 2016 at 0236 UTC with ID as "La Radio de Colores en Chile". Also heard by others the same night but with ID as Radio Festival AM at 0220.
Reception of stations from Chile are very rare down here in South Sweden.
Radio Festival web

pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording from May 8, 2016, 0236 UTC (468 kB)

ARC-Morokulien, 1584 kHz   Radio Symban, 2368,5 kHz
ARC-Morokulien at 23.47:41 UTC, Dec 27 2009, dominating the frequency!  Best reception in USB during the entire transmission.   Radio Symban Febr 15, 2010 at 1918 - 1930 UTC. Note the instable carrier. Very weak audio but enough to compare to their webstream Radio Symban audio
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording in USB from Dec 9, 2010, 2345-2349 UTC (2,9 mb)    

Radio Fly, 3915 kHz   Familia FM, 4900 kHz
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording from Sept 14, 2010, 1712 UTC (720 kb) 
From  Jan 1, 2011 Ukraine replaced 207 with 783 and the 5th overtone is audible more or less constantly on 3915 since then which makes R Fly very difficult to hear.
  pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording from June 3, 2010, 2145 UTC (1467 kb) 

889,995 Sept 7 0431 WAMG, Deadham, MA, "La Nueva Mega". A lot of bachata music and other popular Latino music. Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for solving this one.
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording from Oct 4, 2010, 0431 UTC (626 kb)

1429,988 Oct 4 0525 WKOX, Everett. MA, "Esta Estación es Mia". Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for solving this one. Gert Nilsson in Örnsköldsvik, who was active that night at the same time, had a Brazilian + tent. Radio Emanuel in Dom. Rep.  and Radio Satelite on 1429,906!  No sign of WKOX! Anders Hultqvist in Stockholm had no stations with acceptable audio due to sunrise 20 minutes earlier than here.
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording from Oct 4, 2010, 0525 UTC (468 kb)
1550 Oct 4 0517 WAZX, Norcross. GA, "una radio cristiana" + ID "15-50 AM" Spanish rel. format. Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for hearing "una radio cristiana" and guiding me in the right direction and to GN for checking and comparing recordings.
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording from Oct 4, 2010, 0302 UTC (225 kb)

Waterfall of 1430 kHz in Stockholm    Waterfall of WKOX, 1430 kHz in Ängelholm
Waterfall from 0445-0520 UTC recorded by Anders Hultqvist in Stockholm.

The waterfall shows that AHK mostly have LA-sunrise stations.
  According to AHK the one on 1430.000 ought to be a NA station because there is no typical sunrise effect on the strongest signal. Typical for LA sunrise is that the carrier flows out and become very wide and goes from left towards right from the nominal frequency. Signals from the north never have that pattern whether they are strong or not, but just become a wider and wider straight line.

The Sunrise-effect
by Anders Hultqvist, Stockholm

I have studied this phenomenon since last winter, when I began to run high-resolution 70 minutes long waterfall of interesting frequencies. I always use the same resolution/settings in order to make meaningful comparisons with the same frequency on other occasions. If a lower resolution is used, the information is not detailed enough - mostly just straight lines. I have not seen anyone else think about this phenomenon yet.

You see many things in these pictures. Do signals show specific peculiarities (wobbles, commute, driving, etc)? You even see when stations have c/d, or open or have problems with their transmitters. You can also see the exact frequency. But actually you can  even see if a signal comes from the northern part of America, or if the signal is from further south.

A signal from NA, such as WBBR 1130, does not give the same impression in the waterfall during the sunrise as a station from LA. WBBR remains basically just a line but becomes symmetrically wider as the sunrise continues.
But a station from LA which is affected by sunrise goes from a thin line to flow out and becoming wider and wider, but with a clear tendency to float out to the right. LA signals during sunrise look apparently very strong in comparison with the NA signals.

My observations and thoughts, however, are purely empirical, and do not claim to be scientifically substantiated. I am pleased to receive views and comments.

Enclosed are 3 screenshots (merged to one in Photoshop) showing 3 x 70 consecutive minutes on 1130 kHz from Sept 26. 2009.

The screenshot starts at 02:03 UTC and ends at 0506 UTC.

The upper third: The strongest station, WBBR, can be seen on 1130.0014 (the errors in the recording is thus 2 Hz as the measured proper frequency is considered to be 1129.9994). Other relatively strong signals that behave the same way as WBBR is KFAN seen on 1130.002, and KWKH more than 3 Hz higher. Even higher up there are two blurry lines that might be signals from LA. No influence of the approaching sunrise yet. The sun rises at this date on Dalarö at 04:39 UTC. WBBR is coming in very strong most of the time (-80-85 dBm).

The middle third: No difference can be noted in the NA signal appearance and their signal strength. The suspected LA signals grows slowly in size and the "misty smoke” gets wider. But the signals are weak (about -120 dBm).

The bottom third: Sunrise is approaching and the sunrise comes and goes. WBBR does not increase in signal strength, but gets a symmetric "sunrise-coat", which decreases when the sun is up. The LA signals grow and become quite strong and now you can see a number of similar signals which seem to be from LA, but all of them look stronger than they actually are. The “sunrise coat” is asymmetrical and is growing rightwards.

Why it looks like this I don't know. But this behavior is something to be aware of as I see it.
Maybe it looks totally different up in the north?

Loggning av WRRD på 1509.999 kHz, 1 januari 2011 kl 0700
Thomas Nilsson & Anders Hultqvist (AHK), Stockholm
1509,999, 1/1, kl 0700,WRRD Waukesha, WI med spanska och där ESPN Deportes Radio var det enda ID som gick att uppfatta. Denna station hördes samtidigt av Anders Hultqvist ( AHK). Vi båda trodde först att det var solklart att vi fångat WRRD, men så enkelt var det tydligen inte, vilket följande kommentarer visar. En screenshot på inspelningen från 0700 visar att WWZN ligger på 1510,018 och att den finns med gröten. Dessutom hördes samtidigt HC-stationerna 1509,952 R Monumental samt 1509,997 INOCAR.

Henrik Klemetz (HK) som lyssnade på min 5 min inspelning på 1510 knäckte i tur och ordning R Monumental, INOCAR samt hörde också ESPN Deportes nämnas och trodde först också på att det var WRRD.

Lite senare  skickade sedan HK över denna info:
Ser i MW Circle följande av Andrew Brade ang. 1510 WWZN: In response to questions posed about Spanish on 1510, I heard them a few days ago (Saturday or Sunday at 0800) with ESPN Deportes Radio. There was a list of many stations preceding the TOH of which 1510 WWZN was mentioned. Andrews meddelande är från den 3 januari. /HK

I ett annat ärende hade jag kontakt med Bernt-Ivan Holmgren (BIH) och när jag nämnde att jag hört 1510 Deportes svarar han så här:
Jag har lyssnat på din inspelning och visst är det ESPN Deportes med flera ID och webadress. Jag är ändock tveksam till att det skulle vara WWZN. Varför skulle de hoppa över ifrån Sporting News Radio kedjan till konkurrenten ESPN och dessutom köra spanska just detta datum? Enligt deras schema kör de sport för fullt via SNR på EE även på helgerna. Finns inget som helst tecken på vare sig WWZNs hemsida eller ESPN Deportes om nåt byte. Har tyvärr ingen inspelning ifrån detta datum men ifrån 31:a har jag, så ska kolla samma tid då. /BIH

I följande mail:
Har nu lyssnat på 1510 den 31:a och inte ett spår av ESPN Deportes, bara WWZN med ee och KCKK om varann. Passande nog så blev mina hårddiskar fulla på nyårsdagens morgonen kl 0340 men kvällen-natten fram till dess så måste en rejäl störning ha slagit till för inte en endaste transatlant finns på inspelningarna detta natt. Förmodligen lugnade det ned sig på morgonen och TAs återkom av allt att döma av din inspelning. Den 2:a har jag åter inspelningen igång och då finns WWZN där som vanligt med EE och revolution boston px samma tid. Som sagt jag är tveksam till Andrews uppgifter och tror fortfarande på WRRD som glömt sändaren på i kombination med störda cx. Tittar man på deras pattern så är 23 kW riktat rakt emot oss säkert jämställt med den styrka som WWZN brukar ge oss.
Hörde härom natten/morgonen en annan rolig stn, WKCW Warrenton VA på 1420 som glömt stänga ned sin dagtidseffekt på 22kW och de dundrade in här i Möklinta! Kolla med TJ, han har oxo ofta sina rxar igång dessa tider så kan han säkert hjälpa dig kolla sina inspelningar./BIH

Skickade en förfrågan till Torolf Jonsson (TJ) som svarade så här:
Tyvärr har jag inte kvar några bandningar från 20110101, men jag hade sms-kontakt med Thomas Hulten i Finland den morgonen. I ett av mina sms till honom 07.47 svensk tid, tipsar jag honom om 1510 ESPN Deportes, som jag antog var WRRD. Jag antog detta eftersom även WWZN gick samtidigt, men lite högre i frekvens. Jag tror du kan vara relativt säker på att du hade WRRD, men den är svåridad. Jag har hört id en gång och då var callid jättesvår att uppfatta, däremot hördes Waukesha 100%. Det var på heltimmen en sen kväll. Sorry, mer hjälp än så kan jag inte bidra med.  /TJ

HK skickade den 8/1 ovanstående information vidare till Andrew Brade och det skall bli intressant att se om Andrews info om WWZN kommer att verkställas.

Och från HK kommer följande kommentar den 12/1:
Andrew Brade har jagat upp ett par engelska inspelningar, en från 0600 och en annan från 0800. Båda UTC. På den första inspelningen (signerad Ken) hörs nät-id för WWZN och några andra i New England och på den andra, vid 0800, med imponerande signal, ESPN Deportes Radio.
Tack vare jämförande inspelningar från AHK och från Thomas kan man bakom/vid sidan av WWZN höra målet som gjordes i matchen mellan América och Pereira och som sändes ca 15 sek före heltimmen.
Jag konstaterar därmed att Anders' utgångsposition var helt OK. Det var alltså WRRD som hördes.
Saken är alltså klar.  /HK

Reception of Radio Educadora de Xapuri, 3355.021 kHz

It was nice to to be able to finally nail this log. I had the great luck to capture the Acreana ID just when the station was heard at its best but still weak in noise on Feb 17 at 2300z .

3355.021, Feb 10 and Feb 17 at 2300, R Educadora de Xapuri. No ID observed Feb 10 at 2300z as the station was going direct from music into "A Voz do Brazil". Strongest reception from 2245 to 2315 (greyline effect!). Has been more or less audible every day but it is very hard to get an ID. The station was heard again on Feb 17 at 2300, enough audible to get a nearly decent recording. This was sent to Henrik Klemetz and he immediately heard the ID for Rádio Difusora Acreana – a Voz das Selvas … mentioned before "A Voz do Brazil" was started. See his comments below and the reason why those two stations cooperate.

There is (or has been) some confusion regarding the name of the station, sometimes noted as R Difusora. WRTH says R Educadora. See also those old Receptions:

3255, 3.1 2258, Rádio Educadora 6 de Agosto with a great ID: "Rádio Educadora 6 de Agosto de Xapuri. Ondas medias 820 kHz, Ondas Tropicais 3355 kHz - uma emissora do departamento de divulgação social da prefeitura municipal de Xapuri, administração Xapuri para todos. Oddly enough, the shortwave frequency is advertised as 3355 kHz. (CB, SWB 1528, 2004)

3255, R Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri, AC, 0017, Dec 19, Brazilian music, Portuguese ann: "Comunicação com ‘opessoal de Xapuri’, oferecimento musical". (Grimm, Ibiuna-SP via DX-Window 340, 2008)

There has been a lot of mail activity the last days regarding my recording from Feb 10 of this station. The people involved in trying hard to identify this station have been in particular Henrik Klemetz together with Samuel Cássio from Brazil. Also Mauno Ritola and Tore B Vik have been very helpful in different ways.

Mauno Ritola also recorded the station on Feb 5 at 2300. Mauno’s recording was made with the help of the Perseus server at DL0AO located in an old military field east of Nürnberg where they use a 200 m Beverage directed towards LA.

From the mails:
Henrik Klemetz: Tore B Vik who has followed our discussion with interest - he is an old acquaintance of Sr. Cardoso's - sent me this message 20 minutes ago: Henrik - Fra Raimari Cardoso I got this message: Dear Tore Vik, Radio Educator Xapuri continues to operate in the Medium Wave frequency of 820 kHz. Tropical Wave In it shifted to 3255 kHz to 3355 about 6 months. However, better informed of these technical details with the engineering department to be able to tell you better. Fraternal embraces of Xapuri. /Tore B Vik.

A new recording made by SWB-editor Feb 17 at 2300 was sent to Henrik Klemetz, who comments: ooh, ooh, ooh - sounds like Rádio Difusora Acreana, a voz das Selvas ....

The same recording, but now made in WRPlus, was sent to Henrik on Friday evening, Feb 18. Here you can hear clearly [the frequency information] 4885 kHz, Henrik says, who also picked up sounds and images from Difusora Acreana online.
R Difusora Acreana can be heard from their web stream at this address: Difusora Acre 

On Feb 18 the Brazilian DXer Denis Zoqbi announced in a somewhat unclear message to Henrik Klemetz that the technician Rubem Rebelo, uncertain if he works on Acreana or Xapuri, says that 4885 has transmitter problems and that the broadcasts for the moment use 3355 and that those are heard in the São Paulo area at 1100 UT, which corresponds to sunrise in Acre.

On Saturday afternoon, Feb 18 came an email from Henry Klemetz with the final answer of the station that broadcasts on 3355: Educadora retransmits parts of Acreana’s programs because both belong to the Sistema Público de Comunicação do Acre. Thus, it is Xapuri that we have on 3355. Please note the somewhat "indirect" response ... Mission accomplished. / Henrik Klemetz

For those who want to know how Xapuri is pronounced the Brazilian way, listen to the most famous song by Nazaré Pereira - "Xapuri do Amazonas" in this Youtube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wms1INPCjE

Carlos L. R de A. Gonçalves in Portugal has sent me a clip regarding the difference between the Portuguese and Brazilian pronunciation of  Xapuri.
Carlos says:
Needless to add, that the accent in my reading is simply not the Brazilian one; they'd would read this indigenous name making the -a- to sound more like ah. The song demonstrates what this -a- sounds like. I don't know how you Swedes pronounce the names "Angola", "Mongólia", but I'd say the final -a- would sound like ah; well, this is not how standard Portuguese is read. The sounds of the vowels if you wish are determined by the number of syllables. Yet another ex.: "água", water, the initial -a- is clearly the stressed syllable, sounding like ah whereas the 2nd one sounds like the -a- in my reading of "Xapuri.".  /Carlos
Henrik has really worked hard to collect information about a station that almost nobody heard earlier on this new frequency. Once again a big thank you to the DX-detective Henrik Klemetz!

Reception of PMA-The Cross Radio, 4755,447 kHz
4755,447, Feb 5, 2011, 1340z, PMA-The Cross Radio in EE, mostly music. Rather weak and getting weaker at 1400.
I connected to Mauno Ritola’s Perseus via his server to compare my reception using a 12x4 m Flag with his 500 m Beverage pointing eastwards. And there The Cross was a little bit stronger on exactly the same Hz!
A very exciting reception down here that early in the afternoon. (Why not listen to Ron Howard’s excellent recording of this station.)
Mauno, thanks a lot for changing feed on your Beverage so I could compare the signals via your Perseus Server. 
Listen to my very weak recording at 1410z.

MICRONESIA. 4755.44, The Cross Radio, 1356-1432, Feb 5. Non-
stop contemporary Christian songs in English; IDs at 1358 and 1430;
mostly fair.
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, dxldyg via DXLD)
For someone who only reported a handful of rather unusual stations during recent years, it was a real surprise  to find in the inbox a nice e-mail with an attached unsigned  QSL card from The Cross. will be clear when you read their e-mail below.
It was not an easy task to hear this station, only audible a few times down here. Very nice!

Dear Thomas Nilsson:
Thank you for your reception report for The Cross Radio. We are pleased to verify your reception of our transmission.
On Feb 5, 2011 at 1410 UTC
SW 4755 KHz, V6MP 1KW
Antennae: 1 wavelength, Horizontal Loop @ 35ft.
FM 88.5, 99.5, 102.5 MHz, V6MA 300W
Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia 7N/158E
The Cross Radio is a ministry of Pacific Missionary Aviation, an evangelical mission serving the islands of Micronesia and the Philippines. Our target is to broadcast SW radio to the isolated outer islands of Micronesia, in the Pacific, where common conveniences such as electricity, plumbing, airport, hospital and radio do not exist. Due to technical problems with our antennae we have been off the air. At the beginning of 2011, Galcom engineers arrived to take care of that problem. Currently we are on the air with the SW 4755, 830am – 9:30pm Pohnpei time, until we establish the best times for the islands we are targeting. They
communicate with us via HF radio and don't always have the battery power to give us their reception reports.
We appreciate your enthusiasm for hearing us in your part of the world. We have received reports from USA, Japan, Canada, Finland, Sweden, China, Ukraine, Venezuela and other countries.

Please visit our website for more information about PMA. If you feel so inclined, and want to help keep us on the air, you can donate to the Cross Radio through www.pmapacific.org using the Paypal option. Please designate "radio" in the message box.
We prefer to send QSL verification requests by email. However, if you need a hard copy mailed to you, please let us know and include $1.00 for postage. International postage coupons are not accepted in Micronesia. That Every Island May Hear,
Sylvia Kalau
Station Manager, The Cross Radio, Pacific Missionary Aviation, PO Box 517, Pohnpei, FM 96941
Tel: 691-320-2496, Fax: 691-320-2592, Website : www.pmapacific.org

Reception of R Nord Revival on 1512 kHz
Radio Nord Revival was heard March 12, 2010 at 1600z on 1512 kHz with 1 kW from their transmitter located at Kvarnberget!

I heard the station at 1600z with a very nice ID in Swedish. Listen!

The station was also heard on March 7 at 2135z when the transmitter  was tested, exact frequency that night was 1511,907. At that time the power was only 60 W! The tune "Walk on by" with Leroy van Dyke was easily recognized with good strength despite the low power. The station seen on 1512 is R Iran only letting R Nord through a couple of times.

Read the full story of R Nord Revival at http://radionordrevival.blogspot.com/

Ronny Forslund "on air" at Ljusdal Radio which he started in 2000

Reception of Ozy Radio on 5050,053 kHz
Ozy Radio in Sydney was heard May 15, 2011 at 1907z on 5050,53 kHz with only 0,3 kW!

I got a verification by mail within a few days:
Hi Thomas, You were listening to Ozy Radio on 3210Khz or 5050Khz both these stations are on air 24/7 from Sydney Australia our power is 400 watts and our antenna is a half wave dipole 15 metres above the ground. Being a radio broadcaster at this stage is a small Business for me and we are lucky in Australia the government issues licences to private people(small Business) not just big business. Our radio station will only be on air for the next month then it will be off air for a while as we plan to move to a larger block of land to install our new antennas.
Craig Allen


Radio Juan XXIII, 6055.98 kHz

On Sept. 23, 2011 at 2157z I finally caught Radio Juan XXIII on 6055.098 kHz with a complete ID.
I sent two recordings to Henrik Klemetz from the three last minutes before close down.
Here is his comments:

At 2157, 29 sek in "todo el día yo oigo Juan 23.." female voice, unsure if a ”radio” preceeds Juan 23. At 2201, 26 sec "{en] Juan 23 has escuchado...", female voice, final ann. No "radio" preceeds the name. The final duo reading is a sort of prayor or blessing. No doubt that this is a stion ID. To find the station and the present adress you ought to write "radio juan xxiii san ignacio de velasco" otherwise you get a weird person in Alicante in Spain with the same name. /Henrik Klemetz

Henrik, Thanks a lot for your help with this one. Also note that the name in WRTH seems to be wrong – there is no mention of Radio Cultural Juan XXIII. On all pages I have seen the station is referred to as a plain R Juan XXIII.
Noted almost every day from 2130-2202* with quite weak signal.

pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording from Sept 23, 2011, 2157z 
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Recording from Sept 23, 2011, 2201z 

Radio Juan XXIII - JUAN 23 – “the Catholic voice of Eastern Bolivia,” has been founded in the 60'ies to support the evangelization of the church in the Chiquitania, because at that time there were only dirt roads and it was impossible for missionaries to visit the rural communities. The radio was a important instrument to reach the people over long distances, to communicate the faith of the church and to promote social and cultural programs. Radio Juan 23 is founder and member of ERBOL, an association of more than 40 radio stations across the country.
In order to serve the people Radio Juan XXIII transmits its program in shortwave (6055 Khz) and in FM. Its signal is received by about 420 rural communities across eastern Bolivia, a region called “Chiquitania”

Radio JUAN 23 conducts a variety of educational activities: “Educacion Alternativa” with IRFA-(Instituto Radiofonico Fe y Alegria). A program to promote education by radio for people who had no opportunity to study in the school and a wide range of programs to strengthen the identity and the traditions of the “Chiquitanos”. Open Education, with workshops in the rural communities with current issues.

In recent years Radio Juan 23 has focused on the contents of “Participación Popular”, National Dialogue, children and adolescents Code, Agricultural Reform, Forest and State Constitution. The Radiostation also promotes the development of tourism in the Chiquitania region and the “Misiones de Chiquitos“.

San Ignacio de Velasco, San Ignacio, or SIV is the capital of the José Miguel de Velasco Province in the Santa Cruz Department of Bolivia.
In 1996, the municipal government published the population as 12,600 persons. It is the largest city in Velasco, and the largest city between metropolitan Santa Cruz and the Brazilian border.
San Ignacio is located in the south-central region of the province of Velasco. It is connected to Santa Cruz via bus lines utilizing a dirt highway to San Javier in the province of Ñuflo de Chávez. From San Javier to Santa Cruz, the highway is paved. To the east, similar bus lines connect San Ignacio to the Brazilian city of Cáceres and utilized an unpaved road. The city has an airport (airport code SNG) with a dirt airstrip.
San Ignacio is located on the man-made lake, Guapomo, which also serves as the city's supply of fresh water.
Spanish is the most commonly used public language. Due to the proximity to Brazil, some Portuguese is spoken. The most common indigenous language in San Ignacio and surroundings is Chiquitano. Nearly all of the people of San Ignacio are indigenous or mestizo, i.e. Camba es:Camba. Post-WWII German immigrants have a small presence, as do Mennonites.
The city is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Ignacio de Velasco.

Radio ICDI, 3390 kHz

In the beginning of April 2011, there were a few notes in the DX press that R ICDI would start broadcasting on 3390 kHz in the evenings. The frequency was checked for several days and first on April 13 at 1920z a rather weak station was heard with music, but a couple utility transmitters, one on each side, caused heavy interference. At 2010z the interference was significantly weaker and the station could now be heard clearly in USB mode with a talk show. Soon after 2100z a clear R ICDI ID was heard and at 2106z the transmitter was closed down for the day. The day after the station was much stronger and the subsequent days it could also be heard more or less good.

Since I almost never report any stations I did't care about sending a report at that time even though I knew I was probably one of the very first to hear this rare station.
When I a few months later was looking in old editions of SWB for some completely different information, I saw that Jan Edh has got an email reply from a report taken on April 19. In their reply R ICDI promised to send a QSL by mail.

I had saved a pretty decent mp3 snippet of the logging, I just the idea to write a few lines to the station and tell them that there was someone who noticed their start on 3390 kHz.
On Aug 24, I got the following email from the station:

Mr. Thomas Nilsson,
I check this programming and I can confirm thats it's ICDI radio station with the new frequency 3390 kHz.
I'll send you the QSL card by mail.

On October 11, a letter arrived with an A4 sheet with a copied QSL card in black and white and handwritten QSL text.
After all, it's much nicer with a real letter than a few e-mail lines in your inbox.

WURA Quantico VA 920 kHz  
920 kHz is an interesting frequency now that CJCH has left the frequency. Nowadays the frequency is normally occupied by another Canadian, CKNX in Wingham, Ontario or by Radio Nueva Esparta in Porlamar, Venezuela. There are a few other stations which can be heard occasionally.
On Nov 16, 2011 at 0554z, when the MW-band was almost silent on most frequencies, I noticed a weak station here playing Mexican music. The station was quite weak so it was difficult to get the ID coorrectly. It sounded a bit like Radio Union but nothing matched so I sent a short mp3-recording to Henrik Klemetz who immediately heard a clear Radio Unida mentioned which is what WURA in Quantico, Virginia also uses.

WURA is judged as an almost impossible station to hear down here. The station has so far verified Hannu Niileksä, Jari Ruohomäki and Jim Solatie from Finland. The station was heard at ENOX by Hannu and at Lem300 by Jari and Jim the same day, Jan 6, 2011 at 2200z. Arild Skalmeraas in Norway also heard the station at Lista in Jan 2011 and received a verifacation. Also Fredrik Dourén heard the station here in Sweden on Oct 16 at 0451z and also on Nov 19 and Nov 20 at 06z. Fredrik got a mail reply in Spanish from Mike Cardona found on their website. Fredrik says they always use the slogan "Una señora emisora". 
WURA is listed with a night time effect of just 970 watts.

A short but friendly e-mail from Al Hammond confirmed my reception of the station with these words,
Congratulations on your reception of WURA in Sweden! You have joined the growing list of Far Northern Recipients of our signal!
Al Hammond, Pres.

Many thanks to Jari Ruohomäki for providing a workable e-mail address for the station and to Henrik Klemetz who wa the one who  identified this rare station, at least here at my southern location.

The mysterious LA-station on 6075,72 kHz

A very mysterious station was first observed here by Arne Nilsson on Aug. 16, 2011 with LA music and short talk in between. The talk was undermodulated. When the recording was checked by Henrik Klemetz he said the language sounded SS and it "might" be possible they say something sounding like "R Kawsachun Coca" and that other information was very hard to get. Further listening indicates that the language sounds a bit more like PP. The time announcements are definitely in SS, Henrik says.
The following nights both AN and I set our Perseus for recording of this station. Unfortunately China switches on their transmitter on 6075 at 2356z for one hour broadcast.
Several attempts to check for parallell with R Kawsachun Coca webstream proved useless because their webstream was down at every attempt.
Both Henrik Klemetz and Fredrik Dourén listened to a recording from Sept 8 and were even more puzzled. The ID “might” again sound something similar to “Radio Kawsachun Coca” but both were very doubtful. Carlos Goncalves listened to a recording from Aug. 23 and he was also  very puzzled and his first thought was a drifting Brazilian. Also Mauno Ritola listened to this recording and he was extremely unsure of the origin of this station and thought there might be a PP ID like "Radio Cultura de ....."
On Sept 17 it was finally possible to check the station and the RKC webstream simultaneously. The conclusion was that it was not at all the same programme. RKC had a very Bolivian style with many ID’s and the unid had a more western music style with very few Id’s.
The station has also been reported with low signal strength on Aug 21 at 0047z by Giampiero Bernardini in Italy.
The station has been silent from Sept. 18 until Oct. 1 when it was heard again but almost as weak as before. Henrik Klemetz listened to the recording from Oct. 1 and think he heard "a Educadora ..." with PP accent.
So the mystery continues!

Some of the recordings with reasonable audio can be found below and I hope you will take the time to listen and see if it is possible to get some more information.

The station was back again on June 16, 2012 but with very low audio just at noise level. Today also Mauricio Molano Sánchez listened to the old recordings and says:
well, for me it is Brazilian and I think I hear two "Radio Cultura" IDs. The first on the 0056z file at 16 secs. I think he says "Radio Cultura Sao Paulo". The second on the 0110z file at 32 secs.
Here is his extracted ID sequence:

pdf.gif (134 bytes) 6075  Radio Cultura + ???? extracted by Mauricio Molano Sánchez

 Available Recordings:
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 6075 R Kawsachun Coca recorded by Rafael Rodriguez in 2008. Included as a reference.
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110823 0226z recording by Thomas Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110830 0218z recording by Thomas Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110905 0052z recording by Thomas Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110905 0056z recording by Thomas Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110917 0110z, recording by Thomas Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110827 2349z recording by Arne Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110904 2335z recording by Arne Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 111001 2340z recording by Arne Nilsson

Radio Tarma on 4775 kHz

pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110731 recording by Fredrik Dourén
pdf.gif (134 bytes) 110913 recording by Thomas Nilsson
pdf.gif (134 bytes) Radio Tarma with EE ID, Henrik Klemetz

Reception of Radio Fe, 1390,058 kHz
  It all begins with Fredrik Dourén heard a station on 1390,058 kHz giving an ID as Radio Fe on  February 12, 2012. Fredrik was very unsure of what it was he has received and couldn't find sufficient information to nail the station.
One of the suggestions that came up was that it might be Radio La Luz heard on this frequency a year earlier. 
Anders Hultqvist observed station for the first time on March 21. AHK emailed me the following day with info about this mysterious station and my Perseus were immediately set up for a recording.
The station was there just above the noise level, unfortunately, so weak that an ID can not be perceived. The day after, March 22, the station is stronger and the recording was sent to Henrik Klemetz who starts with some investigation and finally found that the Radio Fe-owner Ministerio Mundial Asociados - dr. Alberto Santana has a license for 1 kW on 1390 kHz in Chiclayo. The license is not new but at least two - three years old.
A big thank you goes to Henrik Klemetz.

Reception of OBU2C Agro Radio, 1590,473 kHz
I managed to pinpoint exactly when Agro Radio gave an ID on April 9 2012.
At first I thought it was a station from maybe the Middle East, judging by the music. A recording was uploaded on RealDX. Mauricio Molano Sánchez listened and said that there was an identification as "Agro Radio".
The recording is then sent to HK, who a few years ago remembered that someone in Finland had  been nosing on the frequency.
Henrik found on the web the name and picture of the boss, pastor Mamerto Vega Vera. There is a church behind, pentecostal church "El Paraíso de Dios." Henrik spoke with Pastor Mamerto and Agro Radio is a name that is equivalent to Radio El Sembrador, sower radio. It was what the pastor himself said, when Henrik asked him.
A big thank you goes to Henrik Klemetz who again picked up loads of information and also talked with the pastor and lobbied for a couple of reports from Sweden. Thanks also Mauno Ritola, Mauricio Molano Sánchez and Fredrik Dourén for mail exchange on this rare station.
After a few days came the much anticipated answer. A true religious verification, I must say. Agro Radio's new website is here: Agroradio web 

Reception of Radio Municipal San Marcos, 1590,077 kHz
R Municipal San Marcos, "la Radio de los Triunfadores" quite nicely, a colossal surprise on April 8, 2012.
I had to ask Henrik Klemetz for help to solve this one and HK says that the same morning also Fredrik Dourén heard this station.

Henrik Klemetz says: No call, but heard advertising:  Forestación y reforestación, Conservacion del medio ambiente. Obra de la Muncipalidad de San Marcos. Construcción the local Comunal a Poroporo the Guayanay, Obra de la Muncipalidad Provincial de San Marcos y el Alcalde Carlos Machuca Romero.
I overheard a bit of a recording I made at 9 o'clock this morning. The ads will be in a particular order and all the stuff about how good the Mayor Carlos Machuca Romero is - after all he started this station as well.

A big thank you goes to Henrik Klemetz for all help finding info about this new station.

Reception of Radio Bendita Trinidad, El Alto, Bolivia, 1540 kHz
  R  Bendita Trinidad, El Alto with a very special religious program lead by Abigail Mújica on June 8, 2012. Hasse Mattisson sent over a snippet of his  recording which helped me to identify the station. Henrik Klemetz has put o lot of  energy and effort to get in contact with the station, where all data are lacking both in WRTH and online. Acc. to Rogildo Aragao normally sign off are at 0202z with the national anthem.

A big thank you to Henrik Klemetz for all help finding info about this new station.
Website: http://benditatrinidad.com/

Reception of Radio Logos, Chazuta, Peru, 4810 kHz
  On the FAIENAP website and in the item concerning March 22, 2011, I found a mailaddress to a Pastor Jairo Sangama Saurin responsible for the project Radio Cristiana “EL HABLA DE MI PUEBLO”.

Normally I never send reports but couldn’t resist this time so a report together with my recording from 24 July at 0103z and two pictures of the surroundings seen from our house with the rape crop in wonderful yellow bloom.

A few days later arrives a nice mail from Pastor Jairo Sangama Saurin:

Querido hermano Thomas Nilsson
Gloria a Dios por su comentario.
Le cuento que usted es la primicia de los oyentes de este naciemniento de este medio de comuinicación.
Cuánto gozo tengo en el Señor saber eso.
Nuestro objetivo es transmitir la Palabra de Dios en las diferentes Lenguas de la Amazonía Peruana y llegar a la selva de Ecuador, Colombia y Brasíl.
Necesitamos mucha ayuda para dar sostenibilidad a este ministerio del Señor.
Seguiremos en contacto.
Su siervo: Jairo Sangama Saurín

According to his message it looks like I am the first to receive a verification from the station. A few days later I got mail from both Rafael Rodriguez and from Henrik Klemetz telling me that on July 27 also Rafael has got his verification.

Thanks to  Henrik Klemetz for all help also with this station.
 “Ethnic Radio – Sharing the Good News to remote jungles and far flung language groups in the only language they really understand: Their Own.”
From www.ethnicradio.org, picture showing the crew.
 Rafael Ahuanari y Jairo Sangama en Radio Maranatha
See more at their website: https://faienap.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/proyecto-radio-cristiana-el-habla-de-mi-pueblo/

Reception of Radio Andina, Pongo K'asa, Bolivia, 1390 kHz
  R  Andina, Pongo K'asa, Cochabamba logged on July 25, 2012 at 0025z.
Thanks to a tip from Martti Karimies I found this station in my Perseus recordings .Up to 0031 it was only talk in Quechua but at 0131 I could hear a R Andina ID. Just to be sure I asked Henrik Klemetz to listen and he confirmed the ID. As a favour Henrik Klemetz also asked his friend Angel Oquendo who speak Quechua tp listen to the recording and he describes the music like this: "Usan algunos arpegios the varios temas music ales interpretados a charango, zampoñas, El Ultimo claramente es un Tinku."

A short report was dispatched on July 31. Henrik Klemetz had a telephone call with Doña María Dolores Arce in a completely different case, and she told Henrik that she had received my report.
The same evening a mail with a verification was received. 

I managed to find some pictures on the web from the station, among others one of María Dolores Arce who signed my verification mail.
Again many thanks to Henrik Klemetz for his persistent lobbying and a "hot line" to Bolivia! Also thanks to Angel Oquendo who listened and translated selected sections from Quechua to Swedish.

Many thanks to Henrik Klemetz for all help finding info about this new station.
Dolores Arce is Directora Ejecutiva, MD, for CEPRA. She resides in Cochabamba. She has worked 12 years in the business. The person who keeps in touch with Radio Andina is Victor Pacheco.

Information and ´pictures can be found on those web sites:

Many thanks to Henrik Klemetz for his persistent lobbywork,  ”Hot line Bolivia”, translations and to Angel Oquendo who listened to my recording and translated selected parts from Quechua to Spanish.

Reception of Radio Poder Pentecostal. Rancagua, Chile, 1510,013 kHz
On Aug 6, 2012 at 2255z a religious SS station could be heard here pretty well this pleasant night. I couldn't hear any ID, so I sent over a few recordings for Henrik Klemetz (HK)  and he says: "I have no idea on this. It sounds more like an American station. I hear the name of a female pastor called Cárdenas, her first name is unclear. I find nothing. Has WRRD returned to the Salem format in Spanish? HK ".
I then contacted  Odd-Jorgen Sagdahl (OJS) who is great NA DX-er  and asked if he knew anything about a recent format change at WRRD. He hadn't heard of any format change and he didn't recognize the station.
OJS asked me to post the recording in RealDX to see if someone could come with a solution of the riddle.

Mauricio Molano Sanchéz in Spain listened to the files and comes with real exciting info:
"No, it is not Boston! I have WWZN on ,018 and a weak carrier on ,013 too on a recording from August 5th. And now the good news!: It is CC-151 Radio Poder Pentecostal, Rancagua, Chile! ( http://www.poderpentecostal.org  ). Pay attention to the "Ministerio Evangelístico Cruzada de Poder" mention at sec. 55 in your 0301 recording. Listen to the attached clip from the station streaming. It is not the same promo but it is the same female voice promoting more or less the same stuff. Congrats!  MMS '

On re-listening to the files HK finds the station call, the name and frequency and also a mention of internet! He also sent over enough material for helping me with the report.

HK also says that Radio Rancagua, its predecessor, was heard in Sweden earlier many years ago. And there are probably also a QSL.  According to Nils Jakobsson's QSL list, Olle Alm got a verification back in 1980!
Thanks to HK, OJS and to Mauricio for help to solve this exciting catch.
I probably must send a report to them .....    A few days later a verification was received from Pastor Claudio Espinoza.

Later it turned out that two other Swedish DX-ers, Hasse Mattisson and Anders Hultqvist, also heard the station the same night and at the same time. They have also got their verifications from the same Pastor.

Henrik Klemetz has been in contact with this Pastor and he told that the station started sometimes in the beginning of June and Pastor Claudio Espinoza invited Henrik to listen to a sermon on Aug 15 at 2100z. Listen to the station ID and the greetings to the Swedish DX-ers who have heard and reported the station.
Station ID: http://www.thomasn.sverige.net/1510_Radio_Poder_Pentecostal_ID_15_Ago_2012.mp3
Greetings to the Swedish DX-ers: http://www.thomasn.sverige.net/1510_R_Poder_Pentecostal_15_Ago_2012_2330.mp3

Henrik, thank you very much for sharing the recordings!

LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster, over LLE2 on 1313,995
On Nov 26, 2012 I tried to receive this station and only noticed them as a carrier until sign off at 0832z. The next transmission was on Nov 28. This time R Romania was down at 0826 and the very special interval signal tune was observed for 3-4 minutes. A report was sent to the station resulting in a reply below from Svenn Martinsen. The transmission on Dec 1 was not possible to receive at my location.

Reception on Nov 26 until sign off at 0832z
Reception on Nov 28 from 0826z, note the difference in signal strength.

As seen on the bottom screenshot there are a few interfering stations. I suppose these are in order of strength: R Romania on 1314,003, Voice of Russia on 1314.000 and RNE5 Spain on 1313,998 kHz.

pdf.gif (134 bytes) Reception of LLE2 on Nov 28, 2012 at 0826z

Du hørte 28.november kl. 0826- UTC på 1314 kHz, 228 meter AM/Mellombølge en sending fra LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster, over LLE2, som tidligere hadde callsign LLU, og var Odda Kringkaster på 1466 kHz til 1.november 1978.
Vi relesendte NRK Hordaland, og så NRKP1 med "Nitimen" med Ingrid Gjessing Linhave og Karin Vetlesen fra 0800. De gamle NRK pause-og kjenningssignalene ble koblet inn @0825 mens CE Øsytein hadde besøk av en journalist på senderen. Takk for opptak med innkobling av NRKP1 igjen! Under regionalprogramsvinduet i går ettermiddag relesendte vi NRK Troms og Finnmark.
Takk for fint opptak! Gratulerer med fin logging!
Senderen er en Western Electric(WE 451A-1)fra sent 40-tall, som nylig er vekket tillive etter 34 år!
Jeg legger ved et bilde.
Effekten er 250 watt, men vi antar vi brukte ca. 150 watt denne morgenen med en vertikal Comrod/Tjøstheim antenne på 15 meter.
Signalet går tydeligvis minst like godt ut fra denne som fra vår andre antenne, en 220 m loop. Det var denne vi brukte ved sendingen den 19.november.
Jeg legger også ved et bilde av Comroden.
Det blir sending også på lørdag 1.desember.

Svenn Martinsen
"Assistant Chief Engineer"

Styret for Foreningen Bergen Kringkaster består ellers av:
Per-Dagfinn Green
Reidar Angeltveit
Øystein Ask, Chief Engineer.

PS: Se mer om stasjonen på:
  Western Electric, WE 451A-1 Vertical Comrod/Tjøstheim antenna of 15 meter

Reception of  XESP Radio Noticias on 1070
I had the great opportunity to receive Radio Noticias on Jan 9, 2013 at 0631z on 1070 kHz. As this a rather unknown station seldom heard here in Sweden I sent a report which was confirmed within 7 minutes by e-mail.  Read more at https://1070noticias.com.mx/

Reception of  XECHZ Radio Lagarto on 1560 kHz
Another very rare Mexican station that was heard on Jan 31 2013 at  0700z  was Radio Lagarto from Chiapa de Corzo. As I couldn't hear a the ID at once the mp3 file was sent to Henrik Klemetz for examination. He immediately found out it was R Lagarto. The station was heard at the same time by another Swedish DX-er, Lars Simm. Also reported heard in Italy by Saverio de Cian this winter and in England by Andrew Brade two years ago.
Many thanks to Henrik Klemetz for all help with this station which was verified by e-mail on Feb 9 by their Director Yenny Muñoz Trinidad.
Henrik Klemetz wrote a letter to the station director telling her about the reception in Europe and an interesting piece was produced by Gabriel Sosa Plata of Mediación IMER for the Cadena IMER listeners on Jan 30.
Listen to this piece here. There is also a short piece from Febr. 6. Listen to this piece here.
Also two interesting recordings of the TOTH identification came from Henrik Klemetz. One of the ID's are accompanied with "música grupera".

Read more about the station at  https://radiolagarto.imer.gob.mx/ 
View from the director's office La Pila Fountain in the main square of Chiapa de Corzo

Reception of  Radio Chaski in Cuzco, Peru on their new frequency 5980 kHz
Thanks to tip from Pedro F Arrunátegui  in Chasqui DX I began to monitor this frequency. The first night, on Jan 24, 2013 the station was there but the ID was cut just after Radio when BBC started at 2300z. But the next night it was possible to get a full ID before BBC signed on. This is a religious station run by Baptist Mid-Missions. Bruce Maddux verified my report saying "I believe you are the first international listener to contact us.” A very nice reply. 
Studio location Urubamba by day

Reception of R Symban on 2368,46 kHz Dec 26 2011   
  This nice eQSL card came from R Symban for a report in Dec. 2011.
A big thank you goes to Ian Baxter who handles the QSLs. 
Acc. to Ian Baxter less than 20 requests for this e-QSL has been received (Aug 2013).

Reception of OBZ4Y R Selecciones, Tarma on 1230,061 kHz on July 11, 2013 at 0139 UTC

R Selecciones, Tarma turned out to be a real detective story before the solution eventually turned up. First I contacted some of the very active Swedish DX-ers in the hope that someone caught this station the same night. It turned out that nobody else heard this station at this opening.

The recordings was sent to to Henrik Klemetz who says: "On 1230.061 kHz, you have undoubtedly a new station. The name is on one of the last recording, "Radio Firmin" (working name). I will listen several times more. Some of the sections are quite decently readable, but as usual you "stumble" over the important parts. / HK "

I also contacted two Spanish speaking active, wellknown DX-ers. Neither of them could figure out the stations name. They suggested, among other things R Peruana, Radio Turmal or Turmai, which you could easily get. I also put out a teaser on NORDX and only Tore B. Vik in Norway replied. He had noted a carrier on that frequency without audio at the same time.

In a later email from Henrik Klemetz he says: "I have for a long time long struggled with the 0131 recording but it's the 0139 recording that apply. "Radio Turbanes ..." I have called for reinforcement! JEÖ, Jan-Erik Österholm! / Henrik "

I also contacted Mauricio Molano Sánchez in Salamanca and Pedro Arrunategui in Lima. Neither one of them could figure out the stations name. They suggested, among other things R Peruana, Radio Turmal? or Turmai, which you could easily get. I also put out a teaser on NORDX and only Tore B. Vik in Norway replied. He had noted a carrier on that frequency without audio at the same time. In a later email from Henrik Klemetz he says: "I have for a long time long struggled with the 0131 recording but it's the 0139 recording that apply. "Radio Turbanes ..." I have called for additional help! JEÖ, Jan-Erik Österholm! / Henrik "

A little later, in another e-mail from Henrik Klemetz: "I sent your original recording (0139) to JEÖ, pointing to sec. 12-13 about and JEÖ writes, "I can only get it to R Selecciones, Tarma." I have listened with the mental attitude and have no major problems to interprete it as "Radio Selecciones". Skillfully by JEÖ, I think. / Henrik Klemetz"

The station was heard just this one day, despite three days of excellent conditions towards Juliaca area. Additional mail exchange to various persons took place before the final solution appeared. A very big thank you to especially Jan-Erik Österholm and Henrik Klemetz in the center and also to the rest of you who listened. Unfortunately, the station has not responded yet.